Happy New Year, friends!
I hope that you have had a peaceful holiday season. While the holidays looked very different and at times felt pretty odd, I am grateful for the opportunity they provided to relish in the quiet calm here in the countryside. I hope that you also have found ways to enjoy the season and maybe even create some new traditions.
As we embark on a New Year, I love to use this as an opportunity to reflect on the year that was and set intentions for the year ahead. To help you in this process, I wanted to share a few prompts. Feel free to sit quietly with a cup of tea and reflect on your answers, or better yet, pull out a journal and write down your thoughts.
- What were my top 3 accomplishments of 2020 and how did I feel?
- What were my top 3 mistakes and what did they teach me?
- What are the top 3 things I want to leave behind in 2020?
- What is one intention that I want to manifest in 2021? And how can I create this? (creating a plan of action & writing it down helps clarify your goals and bring them to life)
- What is my theme for 2021?
- What is my greatest desire for my personal life? And how will I bring this to reality?
- How will I care for myself in 2021? What habits do I want to add and what habits do I want to undo?
Creating intentions can be a powerful way to manifest our reality. Often the best way to attract things that we want in life, is to put the energy out there. Sometimes, the only thing stopping us from achieving our dreams is that person staring at us in the mirror!
Like for so many of you, 2020 was a very challenging year for me, but I’m consciously choosing to focus on the many good things that came out of all that struggle. The three things I am most proud of in 2020 are:
- Creating this community and launching my own business,
- Keeping my family healthy (and relatively sane!) during this turbulent time, and
- Creating new life! I am absolutely delighted to share (if you didn’t already see my Instagram post) that the Suarez family will be expanding in 2021. We are expecting our new baby to join us earth-side early 2021. We are all thrilled!
And my theme for 2021… Progress over perfection. I plan to keep showing up for myself, for my family, and for all of you. For me, everyday is an opportunity to grow, expand, and learn. As someone who likes to plan and control the outcome, I am learning that growth happens best through joy, flow, and synchronicity – not force. Life is constantly teaching me that the best laid plans aren’t always the way life flows. So I am committed to keep showing up and embracing the uncertainly – however imperfect that looks.
Wishing you a peaceful and joyful start to 2021.
Yours in wellnes,
First you look gorgeous and healthy and excited for you and your family. Thanks for the 7 questions. Took pen to paper and tried to be thoughtful. Feeling hopeful and optimistic about 2021. Realistic as well. Have a peaceful day. Eileen
Thank you so much, Eileen! Yes — a dose of optimism AND realism is a good strategy. Hope your new year is off to a good start. xoxo